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Weekly League

For queries, concerns or league results, please contact:




Fixtures for the week will be displayed on this webpage along with the table.

Players should try their best to play their fixture each week but should no date be decided upon by the two players, fixtures may be postponed until a later time.



Standard rules of Snooker apply, for those unsure, a basic rule-set can be found here:


The miss rule: During this league there will be no miss rule played. If your opponent fouls, you may ask him or her to play again from where the balls have finished but you cannot replace the balls as they were.

Matches will follow a best of three format. The frame is over once the loser requires 3 or more snookers. Please record any breaks of 25 or over.




Please email all results to by 11pm Saturday of that week. Use subject title “LEAGUE RESULT”. Even if you are postponing, email to confirm this.


Contacting your opponent


The contact email/mobile number of your opponent will be made available to you in the weekly league update email on Sunday evening. When waiting for an opponent to turn up for the match, please do leave 30 minutes for an opponent to arriveas they may just have had an overrun lecture or a late bus. Any queries can be emailed to


It is recommended that you use our online booking system to avoid disappointment.




This is where a player is given the match win.

These will be awarded when a player has had their opponent:

* Fail to turn up to play the match at the arranged time (around 30-45mins; also see above);

* No response to any emails sent to them trying to arrange the match;

These are the two most likely situations, any other situations will be judged by members of the exec who have the final say. In claiming walkover, we may also ask for evidence of your opponents actions.

If players need to rearrange a match as no date can be agreed upon, please email the club and let them know of your decision. The match can then be scheduled at a later date.


At the start of the season players will be randomly drawn into one of three groups. Players will then be given one fixture a week until we have our final standings.

At the beginning of term 2, players will then be placed into new divisions based on their finishing positions in the original groups.


The Order of Merit

This is effectively a Ranking Points system for all of our main tournaments running during our Wednesday Sessions and the League.

At the end of the year, there will be one final tournament based on how the Order of Merit table finishes. It will in effect replace League Finals Day which has been in operation for a number of years now [see previous League years]. So, whereas the League would usually culminate in League Finals, instead, where you finish in the League each term will help determine your ranking on the Order of Merit. Best of luck!

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